Dr. Nicole Oesterreich

Dr. Nicole Oesterreich

Wiss. Mitarb/Dekanatsrat, unbefr.

Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft/Theologie des Neuen Testaments
Beethovenstraße 25, Room 403
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35424

Dr. Nicole Oesterreich

Dr. Nicole Oesterreich

Wiss. Mitarb/Dekanatsrat, unbefr.

Verwaltung/Theologische Fakultät
Beethovenstraße 25, Room 403
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35402

Dr. Nicole Oesterreich

Dr. Nicole Oesterreich

Head of the Dean's Office

Faculty of Theology
Beethovenstraße 25, Room 403
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35402


I am the head of the academy project "Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti digital". From 2013 to 2024, I was one of two research assistants at the chair of Prof. Dr. Jens Herzer.

I am currently doing research in the field of Second Temple literature and the concept of the "glory of God."

I do have expertise in the field of cognitive narratology, the relationship between findings of neuroscience and cognitive science and biblical literature, especially in the field of vision narratives, apocalypticism and ASCs. In addition, I have worked on emotions and the possibility of their methodological assessment in texts based on cognitive science.

I am a member of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) as well as the European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS).

For more information, see https://uni-leipzig.academia.edu/NicoleOesterreich.

Professional career

  • since 04/2024
    Head of the academy project "Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti digital"
  • 12/2022 - 03/2024
    manager of the faculty
  • 03/2022 - 10/2023
    parental leave
  • 03/2021 - 03/2022
    research fellow of Professor Marco Frenschkowski (parental leave replacement)
  • 10/2015 - 03/2024
    research fellow of Professor Jens Herzer
  • 04/2015 - 09/2015
    parental leave
  • 08/2013 - 03/2015
    research fellow of Professor Jens Herzer
  • 04/2013 - 07/2013
    research fellow of Professor Marco Frenschkowski
  • 09/2012 - 03/2013
    graduate assistant of Professor Jens Herzer


  • 04/2013 - 06/2020
    PhD (Dr. theol.) im New Testament Studies: „Die Tür zum Himmel. Neuro- und kognitionswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf neutestamentliche Visionstexte am Beispiel der Verklärungserzählung (Mk 9,2–9)“
  • 10/2009 - 02/2010
    Studies of evangelical theology theology with focus on Systematic theology at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena
  • 10/2005 - 07/2012
    Studies of evangelical theology theology at the University of Leipzig

Currently, in addition to smaller projects, I am working on the concept of the "glory of God" as part of a habilitation project in the area of Second Temple literature and New Testament epistolary literature.

I was also the faculty IT officer for many years. In this context, I dealt with concepts of e-learning and digitalization in biblical studies. Currently, I am driven by the question of the development of biblical studies under the influence of AI.

My dissertation was in a rather young branch of exegesis, the so-called Cognitive Studies. Here, insights from neuroscience and cognitive science are made fruitful for biblical studies. I was particularly concerned with cognitive narratology as a method and narratological schemata in the New Testament and Second Temple Literature. Here I investigated especially the schema "Altered States of Consciousness" in the field of vision narratives, which I correlated with research results from neuroscience and psychology. I was particularly interested in texts from the synoptic gospels, Second Temple literature and apocalyptic.

Besides, I am working on an annotated translation of the astrobotanical writing "De virtute herbarum", which I am creating in collaboration with my colleague Matthias Rabe.

  • German Translation of De virtute herbarum
    Frenschkowski, Marco
    Duration: 07/2018 – ongoing
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Theologie des Neuen Testaments; Lektorat für Alte Sprachen
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more projects

  • Oesterreich, N.
    Kognitionswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf biblische Visionserzählungen am Beispiel der Verklärung (Mk 9,2–9)
    Leiden: Brill. 2021.
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  • Oesterreich, N.
    The Ancient Brain. Warum es notwendig ist, Erkenntnisse aus den Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften in den Bibelwissenschaften zu bedenken
    Evangelische Theologie. 2023. 76 (3). pp. 210–223.
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  • Oesterreich, N.
    „Und sie fürchteten sich sehr …“: Kognitionswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zur Angst und deren Anwendung auf neutestamentliche Texte
    In: Eisen, U. E.; Mader, H.; Peetz, M. (Eds.)
    Grasping Emotions: Approaches to Emotions in Interreligious and Interdisciplinary Discourse. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 2024. pp. 207–228.
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  • Oesterreich, N.; O´Neill, D.
    Slack als Unterrichtsmedium. Wie man exegetische Methoden per Chat vermittelt
    Forum Exegese und Hochschuldidaktik: Verstehen von Anfang an (VvAa). 2021. 6 (2). pp. 85–97.
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more publications

  • Theologie des Neuen Testaments
    Internationales Doktorandenkolloquium Wien-Berlin-Leipzig
    Start Date of Collaboration: 01/02/2016
    External participating organisations: Universität Wien (Wien, Austria); Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)
    Involved persons: Herzer, Jens; Quenstedt, Jan; Oesterreich, Nicole; Viziotis, Eva Maria
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  • Theologie des Neuen Testaments
    Internationales Forschungskolloquium mit der Rice-University Houston (Texas)
    Start Date of Collaboration: 01/10/2015
    External participating organisations: Rice-University (Houston, United States)
    Involved persons: Herzer, Jens; Quenstedt, Jan; Oesterreich, Nicole
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more cooperations

  • Studientag für Pfarrerinnen und Pfarrer der Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Sachsens
    Neues Testament und Religionsgeschichte
    Event Organiser: Seehausen, Lena; Frenschkowski, Marco; Quenstedt, Jan; Oesterreich, Nicole; Herzer, Jens; Enke, Paulus
    show details
  • Konferenz
    5. Internationales Doktorandenkolloquium Wien - Hamburg - Leipzig
    Theologie des Neuen Testaments; Neues Testament und Religionsgeschichte
    Event Organiser: Quenstedt, Jan; Herzer, Jens; Oesterreich, Nicole; Enke, Paulus
    20/02/2020 – 22/02/2020
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more events

My teaching is based on a profound education in didactics, which is expressed in variety, unusual teaching methods and extensive use of media as well as an e-learning offer. Due to my many years of involvement in church congregations and especially in church services, practical orientation is not overlooked.

My teaching focus is on the method seminar: "Introduction to the exegesis of the New Testament". In addition to the classical methods of historical-critical exegesis, I focus on newer methods such as those from the field of cognitive narratology.

In recent years, I have increasingly added thematic seminars in which I try to present and critically evaluate the latest research for students. Central topics are the question of anti-Judaism in New Testament scholarship and Lutheran Christianity as well as recent hermeneutical approaches.

  • Exam guidance for the New Testament (2023/24)

    The course supports students in higher semesters in preparing for their New Testament exams. It consists of colloquia (fortnightly) and e-learning units. The aim is to provide students with content and methodological support in their independent exam preparation.

  • Paul within Judaism (2023)

    A newer exegetical approach ("Paul within Judaism") tries to locate Paul consistently within 1st century Judaism. In the seminar this approach will be introduced and critically examined. Texts of Paul on various important topics will be brought into conversation with texts from the literature of the second temple. The goals of the seminar are to gain a deeper understanding of 1st century Judaism as well as an overview of themes in the Pauline letters.

  • Theology of the New Testament (2021/22)

    In this class, we will read excerpts from various works on the theology of individual books of the New Testament or complete outlines together, accompanying the theology lecture by Professor Dr. Jens Herzer. We want to compare the outlines with our own reading of the central New Testament texts on certain topics and thus come to our own understanding.

  • Introduction into the New Testament for Teacher Students (2021/22)

    The course is devoted to the study of the New Testament Scriptures, focusing on their structure and content. In addition, initial historical and theological questions will be discussed.

  • Ignored Perspective in Biblical Studies (2021)

    Reading of texts in Biblical studies dealing with perspectives of marginalised groups. We read texts of dis/ability people, native Americans, Africans, PoC, LGBTQ as well as postcolonial, feministic and other perspectives and ask for the neutral standpoint of eurocentric, white, male Bible studies as well as our own hermeneutical standpoint.

  • Introduction to the Exegesis of the New Testament

    The proseminar serves as an introduction to scholarly work with the New Testament texts, whereby the exegetical methods are explained and practiced using a suitable pericope as an example. The goal of the proseminar is the independent exegetical handling of the texts of the New Testament. The so-called classical canon of historical-critical exegesis is taught as well as methods of cognitive narratology.

  • Visions, Ecstasy, Journeys to Heaven: Extraordinary Religious Experiences in Early Christianity and other Ancient Religions (2016/17)

    Co-Teaching with Prof. Dr. Marco Frenschkowski

    The seminar is a joint course dealing with extraordinary religious experiences in early Christianity.

    For this purpose, ancient comparative texts will be read and the topic will be treated in the context of newer questions from psychology, religious studies, neuroscience and consciousness research.