Date/Time: to, 16:00 to 12:00
Type: Conference/Symposium, Hybrid
Location: Theologische Fakultät der Universität Leipzig

The project, which is funded by the Saxon Academy of Sciences, will be presented to a larger, interested specialist audience at this meeting. The meeting takes place at the faculty of Theology in Leipzig as well as in Zoom.

The conference is the official project kick-off for existing CJHNT project staff who want to continue to support the project in the future or even make a concrete contribution. We also welcome potential contributors who are not yet familiar with the project.

In addition to the presentation of the project's work to date, newer aids for dealing with Jewish-Hellenistic sources will be presented. The focus will be on online databases.


Friday, 13/09/2024

14.30 UhrWelcome
15.00–15.30 UhrGreetings from the project managers
15.30–16.30 Uhr Presentation of the current project and the work from April-September
16.30–16.45 Uhr  Break
16.45–18.15 Uhr a) Introduction to the work platform
 b) Presentation of a finished pericope in the book and digital view
18.30–19.30 UhrDinner
19.45–21.15 UhrCollection of previous work results; planning of the responsible persons for the different volumes

Saturday, 14/09/2024

9.00–10.30 UhrJan Dochhorn: The state of discussion in pseudepigraphy research
10.30–10.45 UhrBreak
10.45–11.45 UhrOnline ressourcses for Papyri research
12.00–13.30 UhrLunch
13.30–14.30 UhrIntroduction to epigraphic databases
14.40–15.40 UhrLemma search/thematic search/Boolean operators
15.40–16.00 UhrBreak
16.00–16.30 UhrPresentation of the Philo of Alexandria Commentary
16.30–17.00 UhrPresentation of the Textual History of the Bible (Volumes 2A, B, C)
17.10–18.40 UhrPresentation of academy and DFG projects for possible networking
19.00–open endDinner and Get together

Sunday, 15/09/2024




You can get the link for the ZOOM meeting via email.


Motel One Leipzig-Nikolaikirche, Nikolaistraße 23

A call-off contingent is available until 02/08/2024:
109 € excl. breakfast and accommodation tax per single room. You can obtain the corresponding booking form from Dr. Oesterreich. A credit card is required.

Binding registration for conference participation must be made by 31/08/2024 with Dr. Nicole Oesterreich, if necessary, stating special diets and intolerances.

Author: Dr. Nicole Oesterreich